713-528-6665   ---   1805 W ALABAMA, HOUSTON, TX 77098 --- SUNDAY WORSHIP AT 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM    --- [email protected]

I'm New Here


Throughout this site you will find many ways to connect with us in prayer, song, justice work, and learning at our church, our school or our community center.


Welcome to
St. Stephen’s


Thank you for your curiosity in checking us out. Clearly there is movement going on for you, and perhaps you are new to Houston and are looking for a way to meet people in the flesh & not just virtually. Or maybe movement is going on in you. You may have experienced a loss of a job, a death, a love; you may be coming out in your sexuality, recovering from religious abuse, or re-engaging your spirituality and remain skeptical. You may be responding to a hunger in your heart or a pang of imagination. St. Stephen’s is filled with folks just like you.

St. Stephen’s is a member of the Episcopal Church, which has a legacy of inclusion that aspires to tell and exemplify God’s love for every human being; women and men serve as bishops, priests, and deacons in our church. To learn more about what the Episcopal Church believes, click here.

We offer worship services on Sundays at 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. in-person and online.

During worship, all are invited to come forward for Holy Communion. If you would like to receive Communion but cannot come to the altar, please let an usher know so the sacrament can be brought to you. In addition to bread, you may now receive wine. You may intinct (dip your wafer into the chalice) or drink from the chalice directly. You may choose to receive the bread only. If you prefer, indicate by crossing your arms in front of you that you wish to receive a blessing instead. After church services, please join us for hospitality!

Children are welcome in the church and all parts of worship. You are welcome to make use of the dedicated area with books, art, and seasonaln activities in the front right of the nave. Nursery care is also available from 8:30 a.m. to noon.

During the readings and sermon portion of the 10:30 a.m. service, we offer a Children’s Chapel led by trusted and trained volunteers.

Restrooms are available adjacent to the Gathering Area. All are welcome to use the restroom consistent with their gender identity. Diaper-changing facilities are available in both restrooms and in the nursery.

Parking is available off West Alabama in the lot in front of the church. Additional lots are available on the other side of the block at Woodhead and on both sides of Sul Ross.


This Week at St. Stephen's

If you like opportunities to think and grow in community, you will feel right at home at St. Stephen’s. Discover what’s going on this week.

Service & Outreach

Through building bridges in our local community, St. Stephen’s strategically partners with ministries that care for the most vulnerable in our community.

Our Day School

At St. Stephen’s Episcopal School – Houston, we provide a progressive, cohesive, and globally focused education for students 15 months – 8th grade. Using the curricula of Montessori and International Middle Years Curriculum (IMYC), we encourage our students to become lifelong learners and effective global citizens.

Newcomer Card


Joining St. Stephen’s


Whether you’re new or have been visiting for a while, if you’ve decided you want to declare yourself an official member of St. Stephen’s, we’re ready to welcome you.  If you are a confirmed Episcopalian, you may request a Canonical Letter of Transfer from your former parish. Please call the church office and we will send the request on your behalf.  If you are not yet a Christian, you need to be prepared to be baptized. Contact the clergy for conversation and instruction.  If you are not an Episcopalian and wish to become one, you must be confirmed in the Episcopal Church. Contact the church office for additional information.