713-528-6665   ---   1805 W ALABAMA, HOUSTON, TX 77098 --- SUNDAY WORSHIP AT 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM    --- info@ststephenshouston.org
Hard Stop

Hard Stop

One of the skills I admire in others is the ability to set limits on time.  I stand in awe of people who can say clearly at the outset of a conversation, “I have a hard stop in 30 minutes.”  Knowing what the ‘hard stop’ is enables the participants in the...
Hard Stop

A Prayer of Hope

There are ChristiansWho have hysterical reactionsAs if the world had slipped out of God’s hands.They are violentAs if they were risking everything. But we believe in history.The world is not a roll of the diceOn its way toward chaos.A new world has begun to...
Losing and Finding

Losing and Finding

This year my Lenten discipline took a different turn. I decided that I would feel my feelings and come to name them. This is no small task because I, like many of us, often live noticing only a small band of emotion.  Fear, anger, sadness, happiness come readily....

Lent is a Pilgrimage in Time

This Sunday St. Stephen’s will have the privilege of hosting the Very Reverend Dr. David Monteith, the 40th Dean of Caterbury (post Reformation) Cathedral at our forum in the Havens Center at 9:30 and as our preacher at the 10:30 a.m. Eucharist.  Canterbury...