Our Blog
Weekly reflections, updates, and news about our St. Stephen’s Community.
St. Stephen’s Now Offers Mask-Optional Worship Service
We believe that the favorable COVID-19 metrics in Harris County support a change to a mask optional worship service at 8:30 am beginning Sunday, March 13, 2022. The church will begin offering hospitality after worship services, beginning outside, and masks will not be...
Keeping it Together: The Challenge of Unity
Everywhere we look this week there is evidence of the challenge of living together. Whether it is the gut-wrenching pictures of Ukrainian dead and refugees, the halls of Congress at the State of the Union speech, PTO meetings discussing mask mandates, or deathbeds...
Race and Land: An Examination of Montrose
Lent is a season for introspection, change, and renewal. As part of our semester-long examination of the Gift of Place, leaders in the parish will be inviting the congregation of St. Stephen’s to learn the history of our church in its place, Montrose. What are the...
Rootedness in a Time of War
My maternal grandfather immigrated to the United States from Kiev, Ukraine. Like many people, I have no idea who my kin are in the old country, but as war breaks out as I write this, my heart is sad. I feel a deep loss down to my roots. I wonder if my family has died...
Looking Ahead
We had a prayerful and productive Vestry Retreat this past Saturday in the Havens Center. After discussion and discernment, our vestry identified five priorities for this year: BuildingsChurch & School RelationshipCommunicationInvite, Welcome, Connect,...
Being and Doing
Way back before the pandemic, St. Stephen's began its work on racial reconciliation by engaging in reading and discussing the 1619 Project which was published by the New York Times. This provocative series allowed our parish to broaden and deepen our awareness of...
Learning From Failure
I grew up in a household where the adults never said they were sorry for anything they said or did. In later years the country singer, Marty Stuart, gave me language for my familial culture when he said, " Nobody can hold a grudge like a hillbilly."One of the...
Voting Rights Are Not Just a Matter for Washington
This Sunday at noon on Zoom, our parish will exercise one the most fundamental practices in the Episcopal Church, the Annual Parish Meeting at which the Vestry is elected and held accountable. As the baptized ministers in this congregation, our governance...
Family Evening at Local Foods
Join us on Sunday, Jan. 30, 5-7 pm at Local Foods - Upper Kirby, 2555 Kirby Dr. Houston, TX 77019 for dinner and fellowship. Food and beverages available for purchase. Seating is available outdoors. RSVP to [email protected] so we know to look for you,...