713-528-6665   ---   1805 W ALABAMA, HOUSTON, TX 77098 --- SUNDAY WORSHIP AT 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM    --- [email protected]

Mission and Values





mission and valuesSince 1927, St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church has been vibrant, open, friendly, and diverse. We are a place of acceptance and celebration.

St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church is an inclusive, nurturing, and healing community that seeks and invites all to practice the transformational and empowering work of Jesus Christ among us and in the world.


We Cherish the Future.

Acting responsibly we ensure a sustainable future for all creatures.

We Practice Service.

Service to others within and beyond our community is integral to our purpose.

We Affirm Individuality.

Each individual is a unique creation worthy of our respect and understanding.

We Question Everything.

Intellectual integrity results from questioning, learning from others, and finding God in all things.

We Build Relationships.

Through community lives are transformed by willingness to love others as we love ourselves.

We Believe.

Rooted in Christian faith we embrace a sincere respect for other beliefs.

Sign Up for our Newsletter

Estar, our weekly newsletter, will keep you up to date on everything going on at St. Stephen’s, from worship times to opportunities to learn and socialize. It also includes a weekly reflection from the Reverend Lisa Hunt, the Rector of St. Stephen’s.