When do you have time to dream? When was the last time you had a vision for yourself or your community?
This weekend we will be dipping into the writings of the prophet Joel whose greatest hit includes:
I will pour out my spirit on all flesh;
your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
your old men shall dream dreams,
and your young men shall see visions.
Even on the male and female slaves,
in those days, I will pour out my spirit. (Joel 2:28-29)
God promises this insight only after a time of desolation and shame. When things are going swimmingly, we have no need of dreams and visions—the now is just fine.
One of the functions of sabbath is to give us time to dream and play. Visions are only possible when our conscious state is relaxed. A vision is different from a plan.
Sabbaticals are designed to give folks an opportunity to recharge and to dream. My sabbatical was truncated by the pandemic and the ice storm. The Vestry encouraged me to take two months at that time and to save the rest for when travel was once again possible. I am taking the month of November as part of my remaining two months of sabbatical to go on a journey and to dream. Bruce and I will be visiting England and Florida. It will be a time of reflection and refreshment.
As a parish, we will also be using the remainder of the year to refine our vision of life together, post-COVID. This will include the possibility of development of our land. The Mission Real Estate Team will be leading an effort to validate our dream and to adjust it for our new season. Dwight Wolf and I will be sharing an outline of the process with the parish on October 30, 2022, at 9:30 in the Havens Center. I hope you will engage in reflection as part of your sabbath that Sunday.
While I am away Ashley Dellagiacoma, our associate rector will be leading our program and pastoral work. Susan Raine will be leading the vestry. You will be in capable hands.
In the meantime, I hope you will allow yourself time and space to dream and see.
Reverend Lisa Hunt, Rector