713-528-6665   ---   1805 W ALABAMA, HOUSTON, TX 77098 --- SUNDAY WORSHIP AT 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM    --- [email protected]

During April, the three Abrahamic faiths will be observing some of their holiest days. Easter, Passover, and Ramadan will be observed in the same two week period. These holidays call people to remember those who are oppressed, enslaved, victims of state violence, and the poor and to perform acts of mercy. In Chapel we are reflecting on what it means to be removed from your home and to seek freedom in a foreign land. Of course, many of our students are making the connection with the refugee crisis in Ukraine and at our own Texas border.
We are calling our St. Stephen’s community to a common practice of justice and mercy during the month of April as we collect items for Afghan refugees living here in Houston. While the four major non-profits who resettle refugees are doing an amazing job, they are stretched thin. We are collaborating to assist 27 families who are living in an apartment complex on Beechnut.

Beginning April 2, we will be collecting the following items for our neighbors who are refugees from Afghanistan:

  • New kids’ underwear, all sizes, socks
  • Gently used shoes, pants, knit shirts, jackets and sweaters
  • There are nine pregnant women in this complex group. There is a dire need for:
  • baby-cribs,
  • pack and plays,
  • diapers,
  • diaper rash cream,
  • wipes, strollers,
  • car seats,
  • bottles,
  • clothes,
  • bibs,
  • baby eating utensils
  • Board books.
  • Old computers, laptops
  • Metro cards
  • Jobs.

There will be boxes to receive the donations in the Gathering Area in the Church. We will deliver the donations on April 22. I know you will be generous.

The Reverend Lisa Hunt, Rector