713-528-6665   ---   1805 W ALABAMA, HOUSTON, TX 77098 --- SUNDAY WORSHIP AT 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM    --- [email protected]

At its inception, the Christian Church was viewed by the Roman Empire as a sect within Judaism and was thereby protected from Roman persecution. Two historical events united to dissolve Christian protection from Rome: the Bar Kockba revolt in Jerusalem which led to the destruction of the second Temple and the theological development within the Church of understanding Jesus as the incarnation of God. The Romans were cracking down on Christians because they were not willing to share in the cult of the emperor in which Caesar is Lord. The Jewish people as monotheists could not embrace a claim of human divinity. Christians, therefore, became food for the lions.

The choice to follow Jesus in the first two centuries of the common era was a radical one. It could mean life or death.

Recently, another survey came out describing the decline in the adherence and practice of religion in America. Commentators noted the increasing secularization of our country. Religious adherence is becoming increasingly uncommon culturally. That means Christian faith will be more of a deliberate choice…by individuals, families, and communities.

On Sunday at our single service at 9:30 a.m., we will celebrate the birth of the Church at Pentecost and the gift of the Holy Spirit. We will also welcome Brandon Sear, a man who is in his fifties, into our shared life in Christ. Brandon is making an adult decision to follow Jesus. His response to Christ’s calling on his life demonstrates to us all our shared responsibility to decide each day to follow our Lord. We share too in the life of the Spirit.

-The Reverend Lisa Hunt, Rector