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This was the question posed yesterday in the excellent Lenten meditation cards created by Sanctifedart which St. Stephen’s has shared for home observance. Each day of Lent a question is posed for reflection and a prayer is offered in relation to the theme.

This week I was with a group of clergy colleagues who were determining the next steps for an organization of which we are a part. The question before us was whether or not we wanted to begin again. A need for defined purpose and direction was the objective for the day long meeting. Did we want to start over? Did we want to begin again? An option on the table was to fold the organization, but there was great resistance. One colleague observed that we are coming out of a pandemic and it may be too soon to fold. Others noted that several organizations of which they were a part were in the midst of re-evaluating mission and direction in a post-pandemic world.

What prevents us from starting over or beginning again? For some of us fear is a driving obstacle, for others it may be disillusionment. Disappointment,exhaustion, burnout, cynicism, doubt, laziness could also contribute to our hesitancy. Some of us like going in circles, sounding like broken records.

“Behold, I make all things new, ” proclaims God at the culmination of time (Revelation 25:1). Ever the Creator, God begins again.

Lent is a season of letting go– of actions, attitudes and feelings that keep us stuck. We are invited to begin again. Anew.

-The Reverend Lisa Hunt, Rector