713-528-6665   ---   1805 W ALABAMA, HOUSTON, TX 77098 --- SUNDAY WORSHIP AT 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM    --- [email protected]

Vestry-School Board Meeting

On Tuesday, February 28, the Vestry and School Board met to continue discernment upon non-negotiables or baseline expectations to use in discussion with potential developers and to narrow potential development scenario that is in the best interest of the church and school.

They reached a consensus upon three non-negotiables that would guide development: 

  • The safety of the school and church communities, including segregation of potential commercial uses. 
  • Financial Sustainability/Good Return on Investment, including adequate parking and room for growth.
  • Potential Development Aligns with St. Stephen’s Values, including attention to environmental impact and green spaces, aesthetics, flexibility, and affordable/workforce housing. 

The groups had a productive conversation about potential scenarios and will meet again in the next few weeks to further clarify optimal development scenarios in conversation with our real estate consultant, HR&A. 

Next Steps

  • HR&A will begin informal conversations with potential development partners to gather information and report back to the Vestry and School Board. 
  • The Mission Real Estate Team will begin hosting focus groups to listen to community responses and input.
  • Apply for re-platting of St. Stephen’s properties with the City of Houston.