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After a nationwide search for an associate rector, St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church has extended a call to Ashley Dellagiacoma, and she has accepted. Ashley will join the St. Stephen’s community on Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Ashley, a native Houstonian, is currently pastor of Kindred in Montrose. She studied Business at Texas Lutheran University (TLU) and received an M. Div. from Luther Seminary in Minneapolis. After seminary, she served as Vicar of Christ Lutheran Church of Brenham, Texas, and as Youth and Education Minister of the Abiding Love Lutheran Church in Austin, Texas. Ashley has also worked in development and fundraising at TLU and at Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services in Austin, Texas. She enjoys camping, poetry, gardening, art, and backyard chickens.

Upon accepting her new role at St. Stephen’s, Ashley said, “I am inspired by what I have seen of St.Stephen’s dedication to justice, the authenticity of heart, and thoughtful reflection in faith. I believe that we are together poised to grow in breadth and depth through curiosity and community. I look forward to what we will create alongside one another.”

Ashley brings a unique array of skills and qualities to St. Stephen’s, including expertise in community outreach, commitment to serving the marginalized, and deep knowledge of Montrose. For the past seven years, she has led and grown Kindred with innovation and creativity, introducing the “dinner church” experience and utilizing technology to reach current and potential parishioners.

Dave Morrell, who served on the search committee, said, “It was wonderful to be part of a truly spirit-filled process that attracted candidates from across the country, only to find the ideal match from our own neighborhood. Being raised in the ELCA before being received into membership at St. Stephen’s, it’s exciting to see another example of the strength of the full communion between our Lutheran and Episcopalian traditions. Ashley will bring great energy and passion to St. Stephen’s, strengthening our ministries in this new chapter of our congregational life.”

Lisa Hunt reflected on the qualities she was looking for in an associate rector, saying “In this search process, I was seeking a colleague who could assume the full functions of a rector to assist me as we begin to build our facilities. The Holy Spirit moved to bring us the gifts we need for this new season in our common life beyond our imagining.”
To learn more about Ashley, please see interviews in Canvas Houston and OutSmart magazine.