Come as you are. All are welcome.
St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church is an inclusive, nurturing, and healing community that seeks and invites all to practice the transformational and empowering work of Jesus Christ among us and in the world.

Our Community at St. Stephen’s
We are a progressive Christian community that welcomes the challenge of faith. We don’t offer easy answers and we don’t agree with each other on many things. But we do share a common challenge to care, to grow, in the way of Jesus. Gathering in Jesus’ name is difficult for some of us because of the way it has been misused in our culture and by us. However, the challenge of Jesus to love God first and our neighbors draws us together to worship and serve. Through our church, day school, and community center we strive to invite diverse people into greater wholeness; we are a community of wonder and of action.
During Lent, you'll find a series of 14 paintings in the Nave, depicting key moments from the end of Jesus' life—from his condemnation to his burial. These paintings were created to accompany the devotion known as the "Way of the Cross" or "Stations of the...