713-528-6665   ---   1805 W ALABAMA, HOUSTON, TX 77098 --- SUNDAY WORSHIP AT 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM    --- info@ststephenshouston.org

How to Log In to ACS

Have a Member Account?

  • Open a web browser and navigate to our website: church.ststephenshouston.org
  • On our website, log into our Members Area with your member ID.
  • Don’t have a Member ID? See directions below. In addition to enabling online pledges, the Members Area contains information not available on our website.

Need a Member Account?

 If you have never logged into the Members Area before, this is a great time to create and/or activate your account. The Members Area offers helpful information on your St. Stephen’s activities, contributions, a member directory and other helpful information – things you cannot access on the public pages of the church website.

  • Go to church.ststephenshouston.org to create member account.

  • Click on ENTER CHURCH, then click on the MEMBERS AREA on the menu bar.

  • Next, click on NEED A LOG IN.

You’ll be asked for your first name, last name and email. Enter the email you previously provided to the church such as on a welcome card or the email through which you receive the Estar. If you’ve attended St. Stephen’s consistently for at least 6 months AND you have provided your email and name to the church office, then the system should automatically recognize you once you enter your email and name.

If the system recognizes you, a message will pop up: “Recognized! Account information sent to your email.”
Go to your email account and look for a new email from St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church entitled “New Account Verification.” If you don’t see this email in your inbox, check your Spam or Junk folders.
Follow the instructions in the email to complete your Member account activation.

Once you have activated your account and logged into the Members Area, follow the directions above to approve or up- date your information.

Trouble shooting: if the system does not recognize your email/name, please contact the church during regular business hours at 713-528-6665 to speak to Sylvia Swain, our Administrative Assistant, or send an email to: assistant@ststephenshouston.org.